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Chinese culture : its impact on Vietnam

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This essay summarizes the cultural influence of the Chinese culture on Viet Nam. Since both China and Viet Nam have a long history, both legendary and written, and since culture is a term encompassing most aspects of life, the essay will discuss only partially this vast theme .Besides an Introduction and a Conclusion, there are 3 additional Sections dealing with:

• How did Chinese Buddhism come to Viet Nam. To facilitate understanding of Chinese cultural influence on Viet Nam, a chart listing the successive Chinese dynasties and their contemporary Vietnamese ones will precede the comments.

• Impact of Chinese culture on the language and literature of Viet Nam. In the early times of Chinese domination, the Chinese language was virtually the vehicle language of her off and on conquered land. Later on, the Vietnamese will create a demotic script to be their spoken language, then in the 16 and 17th centuries, a national language was instituted with the Romanization of the alphabet.

• Contribution of Chinese culture in architecture and other areas. The essay will briefly mention some aspects of the Vietnamezation of Chinese prototypes in fashion, culinary art, architecture, to give them a peculiar style that became interestingly” original.”

The Conclusion will place emphasis in the Vietnamese spirit of independence and aesthetic adaptability, vigorous freedom of expression, and enduring sense of indebtedness.