This paper focuses on whether China can maintain stable and high economic growth in coming decades. Based on the latest data and used the expenditure ...
Using econometric models based on the expenditure approach for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement, our research examines the main factors that ...
The US and world have experienced soaring inflation for many months. What caused such excessive inflation and how should it be managed? Will current ...
This paper focuses on why the US stock markets have recovered so fast from the pandemic crash in March, 2020. It selects three types of the ...
Urbanization has been increasing rapidly world-wide in the past many decades. This paper discusses important factors that affect the successful ...
This paper focuses on the relationship of the manufacturing industry with the financial and real estate industry. The purpose is to examine whether ...
This paper gives a brief historical review of the business cycle and economic crisis-its theories and experiences. It focuses on whether China may ...
This paper compares the weather insurance, weather index insurance and index futures and focuses on why China needs to develop weather indexes and ...
This paper establishes an economic model to directly study the effects of the labor ratio, economic structure and productivity of a country on its ...
This paper focuses on analyses of the service industry in different countries over the years. Through this comprehensive study and international ...
Agriculture is an important industry in all economies since it provides basic needs and feeds people. With the improvements of its productivity and ...
The global manufacturing trade comprises 70% of the total trade, and the manufacturing export from China comprises 93% of the country's total export. ...
This paper provides a comprehensive review of different type of compulsory insurance implemented in the United States of America and the world; it ...
The failure of some disaster insurance market has been a very serious problem. This paper focuses on why disaster reinsurance fails and how that will ...
This paper discussed the dilemma of public goods provision under a market economy system. In a free market system, entrepreneurs have insufficient ...
This paper evaluates guaranty funds and solvency regulations. One main question addressed is how solvency regulations will benefit consumers. Many ...
The Capital Asset Pricing Model has been used frequently to derive a fair price of insurance. But the use of this model overestimates insurance ...
Primary insurance companies diversify their underwriting risk and thus improve their financial stability through buying reinsurance contracts. However...
This paper examines the performance of property and liability reinsurance companies in the United States. It shows that these reinsurers have higher ...