Subject is exactly
A study and translation of Compassionate Water Repentance Ritual
Buddhist repentance (chanhui 懺悔) is one of the few areas of Buddhist studies that has not been fully examined by western scholars even though it ... -
A study of Buddhist music and instrument (ghanta)
This dissertation is a study and analysis of Buddhist music from various aspects, such as historical, instrumental, rhythmic, and special salvation ... -
The meaning of merit transfer in Chinese Buddhism
The dissertation is as study of the meaning of merit transfer in Chinese Buddhism. First, the research methodology used for this research has been ... -
The Water-Land Dharma Function Platform Ritual and the Great Compassion Repentance Ritual
For Taiwanese laity, the Water-Land Dharma Function Platform is the largest ritual in terms of scale, while the Great Compassion Repentance is most ... -
The Bodhisattva ideal in early Chinese Buddhist texts
A comparison of Vimalakirti sutras and commentaries : exploring growth and change in Buddhist propagation in China
This paper’s purpose was to explore growth and change in Buddhist propagation in China, but this was a hard duty to do because Chinese Buddhist ...