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Human centered eco-friendly economy : a Buddhist perspective cognitive sciences

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Thero, Suriyawewe Wimala








The whole world is faced with an economic crisis. On the face this crisis, the validity of traditional economic theories are being challenged. The problems faced by man have to be dealt with according to a plan agreed upon by common consensus. These problems should be solved with the proper understanding of ‘limits’ for otherwise there is a threat to mankind’s existence itself. Hence, it has become very necessary to get a good grasp of the doctrine of Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada), as presented in the discourses of the Buddha, through it see the mutual relations among the varied problems faced by man and then attempt to solve them, being fully mindful of the principle of ‘consciousness of limits’. The only way to achieve success in this is to culture and nurture the mind with such qualities as friendliness, compassion, generosity, equality etc. Through this effective way, the man is able to see it and solve his problems. If man discards his dependence on external powers, understand the interdependent nature of everything, adopts a deep humanistic attitude towards the whole mankind, obtains a proper knowledge about the ‘limits’, and then diligently and earnestly strives to solve the problems that confronted him, then this itself would be the Buddhist Economic Philosophy.